As the internet evolves and time passes some people get caught up in the web. Whether it's MySpace, Fcaebook, YouTube, google, etc. some people cannot get through the day without surfing the internet. Young people today are raised in a society where the internet rules.
In countries like China where internet use is discouraged, internet addiction is actually considered a problem and the country is acting on it. In China, there are programs to get people off of the internet. Similar to drug rehabilitation, addicts are quarantined and banned from computer use. In many cases, the parents of the addicts are asked to join as well.
Most addicts are well educated and have easy acess to the internet. One is considered addicted when it causes behavioral issues or they use the internet for sic hours daily for six months strait.
The treatment is intense and it is similar to a military style of camp. The addicts must excerise, attend therapy and read books.
I do not believe internet addiction is as serious as the Chinese government is making it seem. A little self-dicipline could go a long way when dealing with this problem.
Gangguan Jantung Yang Bisa Sebabkan Stroke
5 years ago
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